I have a new series coming out: The Chronicles of Antoine Sock

the chronicles sentience book cover picmonkey 8.5 by 8.5

It’ll be a children’s series (or adult children, my favourite).

The reviews are already flooding in!

The Sock Monkey Herald

“The book is a joy to behold.  It’ll have you laughing and crying in turn.  We can only hope this is the beginning of a long and productive literary career.”

Primate Weekly

“If you have to ask ‘Who is Antoine Sock?’, then you must have been living under a rock for the last five years.  He’s only the most promising simian on the horizon since Cheetah.  His first biography, The Chronicles of Antoine Sock: Sentience Explained, is a riveting, true life Bildungsroman of his difficult, torturous, but ultimately victorious early days.  We demand to know more of this young, handsome Lochinvar!

Winnipeg Shopper’s Gazette

“The guy buys a lot of bananas.  A LOT.  So, yeah, go buy his book.”

Fleur Sock

“It’s a book.  It has pages.  Whatever.”